Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

We went up to Gram and Grandpa's house for the Fourth of July. My main motivation to get us out of town is that their town is strict about fireworks. And since Autumn still has an aversion to fireworks ("I heard the fireworks, so I cried.") I figured we should be away from the house.

On Saturday the 3rd we went out to dinner and then to the lookout at the airport. There was a storm rolling in so it was very windy.

July 2010 - Airport from Deb on Vimeo.

On the 4th we met up with my friend Tracy and her daughters at a local church playground. Unfortunately it was very hot inside. And of course, the higher you climbed, the worse it got. I stayed on the ground and I was miserable. We tried to tolerate it, but ended up going to a McDonald's to play instead.

You can see on the photo below that Autumn is glistening with sweat.

We left on Monday the 5th and stopped at the McDonald's in Waco that everyone else stops at as well. Here she is waiting for Daddy to come back with food.

And then ICE CREAM!

Also, the 4th of July marks 10 years together for Richard and I. We went bowling and ate pizza to celebrate.

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