Friday, June 13, 2008

Autumn's Boat

We had to get Autumn a new gadget for the bath. We had been using a bath pillow but on Monday she started refusing to lay on it. Richard called her a crocodile because she was desperately trying to roll over in the water. I just couldn't control her at all (she's very strong). It was taking both of us to bathe her. So I got this "boat" for her. She loves it! I'm thinking we might need to get another one that can stay dry so she can sit in it all day long!

Autumn's Boat from Deb on Vimeo.

Autumn's Boat, Part II from Deb on Vimeo.
If you click on the "Deb" right above this it will take you to the Vimeo site and you can see two other videos from June 11 where she is "still working on it".

1 comment:

Larisa said...

cute! thanks for the comment on my blog. if you want to talk solids, email me at materwelon at hotmail or gmail dot com.